Berkshire Community Development was founded to meet the unique housing and community development needs of Berkshire County.

The founder of BCD, Dawn Odell Lemon, brings a wealth of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and state-funded program administration experience and construction expertise — coupled with positive long-lasting relationships and rapport with municipal partners, homeowners, contractors, and community stakeholders throughout Berkshire County, gleaned over the course of myriad successful collaborations — to this new venture.

As a recognized leader in Massachusetts' Berkshire County, BCD’s founder has achieved high marks in program delivery and construction quality from program participants and Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) program representatives; successfully rehabbing over 100 CDBG-funded housing rehabilitation projects, utilizing over $3.8 million in funds in the past four years.

BCD’s objective is to work together to preserve and stabilize our communities, achieving continued success together.

Meet Dawn

Dawn Odell LemonDawn Odell Lemon is the founder of Berkshire Community Development, located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Dawn — a Berkshire County native who has been responsible for the successful program management and all aspects of The Housing Rehabilitation Program for the past four years — not only understands housing rehabilitation but also has a deep and detailed knowledge of the community.

She began working in housing rehab as an Assistant to the Director of Housing in 2018 when approached to be the boots-on-the-ground administrator in Western Massachusetts. In two short years, she was promoted to Housing Rehab Program Manager.

Over the course of her tenure in housing rehab, Dawn has earned a reputation for her dedication, expertise, and consistent ability to exceed program deadlines within the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) guidelines. In her role as Program Manager, she managed and oversaw all Housing Rehabilitation Programs in Western Massachusetts, totaling over $3.8 million and serving more than 100 homeowners in the region. 

Dawn’s compassion for and dedication to every homeowner and project — as evidenced by her gregarious personality, impeccable interpersonal skills, and diligent work ethic — translates to consistently satisfied homeowners. She works in close collaboration with the Housing Rehabilitation Specialist to ensure all projects are completed efficiently, according to the CDBG program regulations without jeopardizing exceptional work.

In addition to her housing rehab expertise, Dawn brings five years of experience working for Bailey Boyd Associates to the table, a role in which she gleaned valuable skills marketing new Housing Rehabilitation programs throughout various communities, working with Select Boards and providing members with information and education. She imputed projects and contracts for 4C housing rehab and beneficiaries through OCDGM’s system, tracked funds, and paid contractors and childcare providers. Furthermore, her extensive background in finance provides her with a true understanding of the financial aspects of a business, including strategic planning, budgeting, and cash flow management. 

Dawn is a Certified Notary Public in Massachusetts and executes notarizing all Housing Rehab loan documents as well as various letters of authentication for income-qualifying purposes.

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